Do you already own shares in Shell, Total, BP, Exxon Mobil or Chevron? You can join Follow This with your own shares. Together we file green resolutions and get a vote in the future of the oil industry.
It is very easy to join Follow This with your own shares. With your one-time contribution of 5 euros, you become a member of the Follow This association.Of course, the shares remain yours.For more information about Follow This, please see our frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) below and our terms & conditions. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at
Every penny you invest in us is spent on tackling the greatest crisis of our time, right at its root - the fossil fuel industry.
Time is ticking for the industry to change but with your help we can show them that the time is undeniably now
Our resolutions insist that Big Oil and its shareholders make a choice that they wouldn’t have to make without our pressure: keep global warming below 1.5°C or admit that their plans are not aligned with the Paris Agreement.
Every donation and purchase of a green share demonstrates to Big Oil, institutional investors and the world that it is time to move away from fossil fuels.
We’ve already seen that the more voices we represent, the more we are listened to - and it is working.
If you would like to join Follow This with your own shares in Shell, BP, Total and Equinor to support the mission of Follow This, it works differently than if you were to buy a share through Follow This. If you buy a share through Follow This, your share is held in the investment account of Follow This, and we are able to vote on your behalf at the AGM.
If you support Follow This with your own shares (held in your own, separate investment account) you can still become a Follow This member. As a Follow This member, your support for Follow This is in the form of being counted in the total number of Follow This shareholders and shares, in your donation, and in your subscription to the newsletter.
However, your shares remain on your own account and your dividend remains yours. We are also not able to vote on your behalf at the AGM, and it is not possible to transfer your voting rights to Follow This. It may be possible for you to vote for the Follow This resolution(s) independently. The procedure for this varies per country and oil company (see question below).
No, it is not possible for Follow This to vote on your behalf at the AGM if you are supporting Follow This with your own shares. It is also not possible to transfer your voting rights to Follow This.
It may still be possible for you to vote for the Follow This resolution independently. The procedure for this varies per country and/or oil company.
Dutch shareholders may be able to vote via the ABN corporate broking website: By following this link you can make a user account, where you are able to give a “voting instruction” for upcoming AGM’s. N.B. this does not work for all banks, but it does for many (ABN, ING, etc…). You may have to get in contact with your broker before you are able to vote.
It is useful for us to know how many shares Follow This members own, so we are able to provide an accurate total of the number of shares both on the website and in our public communication, such as speeches at the AGM. If you buy or sell extra shares, you can let us know by sending an email to, mentioning your new number of shares or editing the amount in your account.
We ask for a contribution of 5 euros to become a member of the Follow This association. This contribution is used for administrative costs and to keep the organisation running.
All donations will be used to directly support the mission of Follow This. Follow This is a small team made up predominantly of volunteers, so the financial support will be used for essential costs (e.g. maintaining the website, communication and financial platforms, wages, travel costs to AGM’s). Every year our expenditures are explained and approved at our annual members meeting, to which all members of Follow This association are invited (if you join Follow This with your own shares, you will automatically become a member).