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Your support can change the world

 Thanks to our supporters, we’re able to tackle the climate crisis from inside the oil and gas industry. With your help we can grow our impact across the sector and the world.

Supporter Of
Follow This

€5 /per month

What this gets you

Help fund social media campaigns to grow our grassroots movement to put more and more pressure on Big Oil to transition

Friend Of
Follow This

€10 /per month

What this gets you

Support our work with our research partners so we can hold Big Oil accountable using undeniable evidence

Philanthropist Of Follow This

€25 /per month

What this gets you

Help us meet with institutional investors, build relationships and hold them to account on their fiduciary duty to safely steward the companies they invest in

Green Energy Angel of Follow This

€50 /per month

What this gets you

Help us get in the room and be heard by Big Oil.

With your help we can send a team to present at Big Oil Annual General Meetings to challenge company strategy and sway support for our climate protecting resolutions

Payment for monthly donations is done separately
“We need to transition fast. There just is no other choice. The oil majors have the scale, capital and competencies needed for this. So either they do it, or they will be dismantled.”

Rens van Tilburg

Director at Sustainable Finance

we need change with oil companies with the help of follow this

It’s now or never in the transition to clean energy

Every penny you invest in us is spent on tackling the greatest crisis of our time, right at its root - the fossil fuel industry.

Time is ticking for the industry to change but with your help we can show them that the time is undeniably now

Our resolutions make a real difference

Our resolutions insist that Big Oil and its shareholders make a choice that they wouldn’t have to make without our pressure: keep global warming below 1.5°C or admit that their plans are not aligned with the Paris Agreement.

follow this mark van baal at shell agm
follow this mark van baal

Your support is working

Every donation and purchase of a green share demonstrates to Big Oil, institutional investors and the world that it is time to move away from fossil fuels.

We’ve already seen that the more voices we represent, the more we are listened to - and it is working. 

Got any questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

What will my donation be used for?
What does it mean to be a Follow This member?
Does Follow This have the so-called ANBI status?